About Me

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Hi! I am an Independent BeachBody Coach. If you're looking for someone to help you on this most awesome journey, you've come to the right place. It would be an honor for me to coach you for FREE. If you'd like to help change lives by becoming an Independent BeachBody coach, contact me at coachbarbie@getfitwithbarbie.com

Join the Fitness Revolution

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

OMG!!!! Coaching Informercial SET TO LAUNCH!!!!

Dear Boys and Girls,

OMG! Coaches just got wind that the BeachBody Revoltution Informercial is set to launch this Saturday, January 17th, 2009. I really thought it would come a little later than that. OMG! This is going to be huge!!!

No, I mean, really!

Kids, believe me when I tell you that the time is now! If you are not a coach yet, the time is now to become a coach. If you are a coach, but have not yet achieved Emerald status, the time is now! Yes, there is still time!

If you are under a Diamond coach, such as myself, you will be able to benefit from the volume that the new coaches bring in.

If you are a diamond coach, then, wow, your time has come!

I'm posting a message below I found from a great resource site called TeamFitRevolution. If you have any questions, do reach out to me.

This is about to explode and you will honestly kick yourself later for having hesitated.

Bring it!

Barbie, PhD


DIAMOND COACHES - and Prospective Diamond Coaches...

The Beachbody Revolution is officially slated to launch this Saturday, January 17th.

What does this mean? If you are not a Diamond Coach, get there as soon as possible. This is one of those rare opportunities in life that is tied to something called timing. Placing yourself in the right place, at the right time, to take advantage of something that could be truly revolutionary.

If you are a current Diamond Coach, or close to reaching that level, pay attention to our emails as we will have breaking news and information over the course of the next few days.

Bottom line, know the rules:

Go to your TeamBeachbody.com web site.

- Once you have logged in, click on the Coach link/button
- Hover over the NEWS AND TRAINING link - upper right side
- Click on WHATS NEW
- Read the article from December 3rd about Diamonds Are A Coaches Best Friend.

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